Sheena (33). Program Compliance Analyst. Filipino.
I didn’t vote in the last election. As much as I didn’t want Trump to be president, I didn’t have another candidate that I wanted to win or one that I felt was qualified to be the next president. I also didn’t have much knowledge in any of the things I was going to vote on.
I’ve made it a point to educate myself on the things that are coming in the future. I’ve seen how things have been in our country and I know that the only way we get things to change is by voicing our opinions and being part of getting things changed.
Even though the Asian community in Sacramento is large, I don’t think the Asian culture (and I’m speaking about more of the older Asian population) really believes that their opinions matter. Especially the ones that are old school, or the ones that immigrated. I know for myself and what I’ve experienced of the Filipino culture we’ve been brought up to just sit quietly; nod your head and smile type of thing. We weren’t brought up to be vocal about our feelings and to stand up and bring attention to ourselves. It’s like a “stay in your lane” type of mentality. So with having that mentality I don’t think the older generation of the Asian culture expresses their opinions. For the younger generation, it’s a whole different ball game.
This country has changed so much in 2020 already. I really hope that the economy gets to where it needs to be. That healthcare for all Americans is at least affordable. I have pre-existing health conditions where I’m always at the doctor's office and even though I have a decent salary the amount I have to pay for healthcare is ridiculous. I have family members who are diabetic and can’t afford to pay for third medicine. I want to see changes in our local law enforcement. That they are held accountable for their actions. At the same time, I would like to see the people take accountability as well.