Michelle, 34, Mental Health Therapist, Mien (Southeast Asian).
I am voting because I want to have a voice.
I don’t feel that Asian Americans’ voices are represented in this county. I never noticed politicians trying to make a point to reach out to the Asians as a target population. I think if we were united or more vocal in politics, maybe they politician we seek out the Asian Americans' interests and values.
I work in schools so we are continuing distance learning at the moment. I have been on maternity leave so I don’t feel like I have seen the impact on my students and their families yet until I go back this week. I had my first baby during this pandemic so it is scary for me as a new mom. My baby has little contact with family and friends due to COVID and me trying to keep her home and safe. My husband and I have not been social with others so that’s been really hard.
I am just horrified by how our current president is so inappropriate and how he speaks about women and people of color. I knew that if Trump won the 2016 election, racist people would come out of the woodworks boldly saying racist comments and hateful actions. I’m hoping Biden beats Trump so we don’t have someone in power who fosters such hate, racism, and misogyny. I am hoping we see changes in how our next President handles COVID in our country. We need a leader who doesn’t lie to us, exaggerate, downplay the pandemic, and call it the Chinese Virus. It’s not about blame, it’s about paying attention to the safety of people in this nation by listening to the scientists and doctors to figure out the next steps.
Please vote!!! Every voice matters!