Kooney (36). Second-gen Lao-American. This is my bodyguard, Ezra (16 months) the third generation.
In the last Presidential Election. I am guilty of being one of the selfish uninformed voters just bubbling in random circles as if it were a standardized test. This time it's a lot different. I read somewhere that body fat and white hairs are good indicators of being wise. So, I've amassed a whole lotta both. Not sure if I accumulated any wisdom tho. Prolly just a placebo.
I vote now but, with a purpose. Not for me but, for my family and community in mind.
The minority vote is a smaller share but it is a path to empowerment. Our voices are definitely underrepresented, we must continue to vote and press the issues we feel are important. We all want to be heard, to be acknowledged, to matter. For example the Secret War in Laos; just like today's issues, we want accountability.
The Pandemic has impacted my life, I've been furloughed from my job and I'm not certain as to when I'll be recalled back to service. The silver lining is now I get to practice some personal virtues, (Humility and Patience). Being isolated at home was bad for my mental and physical health. That's why I'm thankful to have secured temporary work. I just need to keep busy.
With regard to what is happening in this country, I would like the (UNITED) States of America, to experience U-N-I-T-Y and COEXIST. We seem to be moving in opposite directions and the change for a "GREAT" America is going nowhere fast!
Stay positive, not (COVID). But know that better days are to come.