This May we celebrate Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month, and we honor our veterans and ancestors who embody bravery and sacrifice. More than 260,000 Filipino and Filipino American soldiers answered President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s call to defend the United States and the Philippines during World War II.
ALLEN S. DAWANG enlisted in the 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment "L" Company US Army during WWII. Pictured are his proud wife of 62 years Bienvenida Pedraza-Dawang and his great-grandchild Aleaya Simmons.
In 2017, Allen was awarded posthumously his Congressional Gold Medal by U.S. Congress, given to all Filipino and American Soldiers who fought in the Philippines during World War II. While his descendants are able to preserve his legacy, many soldiers still haven't yet received their medals or have been recognized for their sacrifices.
Carry on our ancestors’ bravery and resilience to adversity. If you have experienced or witnessed an incident of anti-Asian hate, bigotry, bias, or discrimination, report it at STOPHATE.CALCIVILRIGHTS.CA.GOV or all 833-8-NO-HATE (833-866-4283). YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
*Data pulled from the Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project.
Ad campaign launched by the Laban Group a Filipino Ethnic Media Collaborative that promotes anti-Asian Hate awareness. View more about their work at